Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Release of Movie(Hardsubbed) + Subtitles File

Rofl, just as a note, this movie is probably rated PG-13... but, just on the safe-side, I put the adult-content notice up for this site...
Arhem, there is brief sexual content (between two guys) within this movie, really, so be aware.

Right, a summary of the movie? Let me make a random one up for you...
The story is basically a continuation on the life of Takumi Hayama. Hayama faces another challenge in his love and struggles to find terms with it until something most terrible happens... What will he do to confront these obstacles? That's what you're to find out as you meet a couple new characters come into play on this BL plot...

True Movie Info Link: http://takumi-kun.com/index.html

All right~ The encoding from 12hours ago has processed reasonably... The RAW I received was already pretty HQ and large but I re-encoded it as well as I could to downsize it slightly and also retain as much quality as I could with the XviD codec.

Fack, I keep on forgetting something to mention... I've chosen a rather crazy font... If you hate it so, I'll put it up again with another Font style/color, if you'd prefer that. Let me know.

Additionally, I did one more QC and noticed a couple typos amongst a few other grammar and/or timing issues... Since they're NOT THAT critical... Like, I accidentally typed someone's last name wrong once or twice... Or my fragment-like Engrish is not entirely very comprehensible...
That's why I've decided to ignore them and just upload my version of the hard-subbed AVI to Torrents and MU as promised.

And so, I made a couple revisions to the subtitles... Regardless, if you have some issues, feel free to comment/post a note here, I'll try to fix whatever to best of my knowledge.

Firstly, though, credit goes out to King-kun [from LJ] for the RAW provision~ Major props to that person, please! All translations, timing, typesetting, [editing+qc-ing], encoding, and distribution is done by myself...!

Anyway, here you go...


Subtitles [.ass/Aegisub File]

DDL Movie

Torrent Movie

TL Notes--someday...

EDIT#6: Want to watch it on streamload? I got myself a youtube account and uploaded it there; maybe I'll up it to veoh eventually, too. :]


^Follow links under the same username.

^veoh link, another dl alternative, really.

Secondly, if you seek a version 2 with improvements, I'll definitely give it a go. I will need to find myself the RAW ISO for better video quality and then, I'll also run through the episode more carefully for revisions. It will probably take another couple days after I find the ISO, which is all dependent if I decide to buy the DVD myself, someone else passes it over to me, or I find it someone on the internet.

Thirdly, if you decide to take my subtitles, I don't mind what you do with them. Just remember to credit the RAW-provider!!! If you revise them and release them again in another way with another name, I don't really care~ I'm glad that you don't mind using my stuff in your own way, I do feel "honored," regardless.

Anyway, cheerio. There may be another Fansubber/group out there that will cover this, too, though, so just providing my version as soon as I can.

Thank you for your support in watching!

Whatever you want to say regarding this release, feel free to say it in a comment.


  1. Thanx so much for this! Just to let you know, I've posted it up at the jdramas community on LJ. There are a few Japanese BL movies out there that are still without subs. I would have thought other fansubbing groups would have picked them up but sadly no. There are some BL movies that have been out since 07 too. That's why I was surprised this movie was subbed so quickly. THANX SOOO MUCH!!

    I would actually like to help but I really don't know the first thing about fansubbing. I have a lot of time on my hands too. :/ I love Japanese BL movies but I don't know enough Japanese to understand it. Thanx again! But yeah, if there's anything I can do, let me know!

  2. hi just wanted to leave some thankies for the takumi kun upload.. i really like the ending song.. do you know where i can dl it? D:

  3. Thank you so much. I'm downloading.. But sadly no many seeds on torrent and my MU is s*cks T.T anyway I really appreciate your hard work..You're awesome...

    Anyway, how should I attach the subtitles ? iono ^^

  4. Hi. Can you reupload the .ass file.
    It seems mediafire deleted it.
